
Experienced development team, professional experts, high-quality deliveries and services


Advanced Customization
Seamless integration with Wechat payment
Expose your business to huge amount of Wechat users



Apple iOS, Google Android
Cross-platform development
Investment once for two platforms


Ad-hoc Development

Enterprise OA/ERP System
Connecting to Wechat mini app
Administration site working on both PC and mobile


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Mini App + OA System
Popular Coffee Chain Shop

B2B System Based on Wechat
Customers could easily place orders.
Services & operations could fully manage the whole business workflow for the orders.

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Online Education System
English School for Kids

Obtaining Customers Online
Demostration of school teachers information, curriculums and courses details
Customer could book demo class online.

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House Rental Platform
Forum with 300K+ Users

The Platform for Young People
Manually filtering rental information to make sure the truth and integrity of every house.
Save commission cost directly.

Contact Us

If you want to know more information, please contact us by mobile at (+86)18021067172.